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Bagua copper HU LOU maintain health and solve evil spirit
  • Bagua copper HU LOU maintain health and solve evil spirit

    Size: 9 inchH x 4 inchW

    Bagua copper gourd is used to maintain health, and can also be used as evil spirit. Because bronze has the effect of dissolving the evil spirits, and the gourd has been a magic weapon containing miraculous medicines from ancient times. It can absorb the evil spirits. Therefore, hang gossip on the bed, the door of the room, near the kitchen stove, or in the star and the position related to the disease. Copper gourd is helpful to health.

    八卦銅葫蘆用以保健康,也可以用作化煞。 因為銅器有化解土煞的作用,而葫蘆自古就是盛載靈丹妙藥的法器,能吸取穢煞之氣,所以在床頭、房門上、廚房灶頭附近或在疾病有關的星曜方位掛上八卦銅葫蘆,對健康有著一定的幫助。



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